Dutch.com Sells for $327,000+ via Buckley Media

Another exceptional domain name has changed hands in a deal brokered by Kate Buckley. The Buckley Media team brokered the sale of Dutch.com for $327,000+. I reached out to Kate to ask what the “+” in her tweet means, and she told me it’s because the total sale price was $327,892.50. The sale was announced this afternoon on Kate’s Twitter account:

Shortly after posting her tweet, Jamie Zoch tweeted about why Dutch.com was acquired:

A company called Dutch Pet, founded by Joe Spector, acquired the Dutch.com domain name. This comes on the news of the launch of Dutch, a pet telehealth startup that counts Jimmy Fallon as an investor. Forbes published an article about Dutch today announcing its $5 million seed round of funding.

There has been a noticeable influx of large publicly reported domain name sales in the first half of 2020. Once a handful of GoDaddy-brokered deals are reported in DNJournal this week, the sale of Dutch.com should still make the top 25 public domain name sales year to date. I also added the sale to the list of one word .com domain name sales maintained at Embrace.com.

