Enter any domain name and instantly get a valuation generated by an AI model.
— Eric Borgos
BEAVERTON, OR, UNITED STATES, February 2, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — BoredHumans.com today launched the world’s first free domain name valuation tool powered by machine learning. Type in a domain and instantly get a valuation. The AI was trained on thousands of historical domain sales so it would learn to generate an estimated price.
The program was created by domain investor Eric Borgos, who has 25+ years of industry experience and at one point owned over 9,000 domain names. It determines the value of the domain based on factors such as the number of characters in the domain, how many queries the keyword/phrase gets in search engines, if it has a number or hyphen in it, and how much it costs per click to advertise that keyword/phrase.
Other competing domain appraisal tools are based on similar data points, but use manual rules created by humans to estimate the price. A machine learning model, instead, uses regression to create a formula that is the overall best fit for the data. It many times is able to perform a task better than a human. Domain names sales and valuations are similar in many ways to real estate, and AI is already used extensively in that industry.
In addition to traditional AI methods, BoredHumans.com used AutoML technology (provided by MLWizard.com) to increase the accuracy of the model. AutoML stands for automated machine learning, which is a process that can be used to improve an AI model so it makes better predictions. It automates the time-consuming tasks a data scientist spends most of their day on (data cleaning, feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter optimization), allowing them to focus on building the best possible model. For example, AutoML will automatically test and compare hundreds of different models to see which has the lowest error rate. And it can run all of this in the cloud, accomplishing in minutes what used to takes days.
Domain names are an $8 billion a year industry, and thousands of premium domains are bought and sold every month on domain marketplaces and in domain auctions. As there is no established method for valuing a domain name (like there is, for example, with real estate), before buying a premium domain it is critical that the buyer establishes the domain’s value. Even if several domain brokers or domain experts are asked their opinion about the value of a domain, they will likely give a wide range of prices, so it is critical for the buyer to get as much input as possible. One way to do this is to use an automated tool such as the program BoredHumans.com has developed. While it should not be used as a substitute for a professional paid appraisal, it is a useful resource when making a decision to buy or sell a domain name.
No registration, membership, or download is required on BoredHumans.com. Everything on the site is completely free to use online, including the domain appraiser.
About BoredHumans.com
Created in 2020, the site showcases over 50 different fun and interesting examples of AI that can be used online for free, such as a lyrics generator, old movies colorized by AI, AI-generated pizza, fake people, AI music, and much more.
Eric Borgos
Impulse Communications, Inc.
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