Avoiding Covid-19 test kit scammers

Here are some tips on how to prevent scammers from getting personal information

Covid Test Kits

VICTORIA, Texas – Now that it’s easier to get Covid-19 testing kits delivered to your home. The Lavaca county Office of Emergency Management Office has some tips on how to avoid scammers who will try to obtain personal information. Here are some tricks that will help differentiate the real website from a scammer. For those interested in ordering testing kits, the website address is: COVIDtests,gov

The government website has a statement headline at the top of the page saying, “An official website of the United States Government.”

Look at the website’s domain name, if it has any other words besides “COVID” or “tests” then it is a scam. Also the correct website url will end in .gov, it will not have other endings such as .com, .edu, or .org. Scammers or fake websites often use too many pop-ups or flashy advertisements.

Fake websites and scammers will ask for personal information. For example, your full name, social security number, or payment details. Do not fill forms out with personal information, instead close out of the website and erase it from the browser’s internet history.

The government website for free Covid-19 testing kits has a USPS postal service delivery van photo.

USPS Van Photo on Gov. Website

Usps Van






According to the White House website, the Covid-19 testing kits were available to order on Wednesday, Jan. 19. Currently the Biden administration is limiting four tests per residential address to prioritize vulnerable communities. They are helping high risk areas with an additional resource. Such as a free call line, in case people living in these communities do not have access to the internet. Furthermore, the Covid-19 testing kits are free and delivery can range from seven to 12 days after ordering.

How to Prevent Scammers

  • If the website has other words, besides “COVID” or “Tests”
  • Check the url and make sure it says .gov
  • Fake websites or scammers usually have many pop-ups or flashy advertisements
  • Do not fill out forms with personal information, such as a social security number or payment details
