Top 10 Best NFT Marketplaces ( 2022 – 2023 )

Top NFT Marketplaces

There are lots of NFT Marketplaces in the digital space, But some of the NFT marketplaces are only TOP on the market. The Best NFT marketplace list is based on the number of users and the NFT selling rate. Come on let’s see some details about NFT. The Non-fungible tokens are the leader of the digital revolution at the present time. They have been using a wide range of development methodologies to upgrade themselves. NFTs are unique digital assets that are developed on blockchain technology and they cannot be interchanged or replicated by any means. These digital tokens represent assets like images, domain names, trading cards, videos, artworks, etc. These unique digital tokens are traded on a platform called the NFT marketplace. NFT marketplace initiates the trading of NFTs in a decentralized manner. There are basically two types of NFT marketplaces; open-type and exclusive-type. The open-type NFT marketplace trades all types of NFTs and the exclusive-type NFT marketplace trades only a certain type of NFTs. There are numerous NFT marketplaces that are available in the digital space. Hence, it is quite difficult to select the appropriate one to start trading the NFTs. Most commonly, users go for the best ones in the market. Hence, in this blog, we have furnished information about the top NFT marketplaces in the year 2022.


OpenSea is so far one of the top NFT marketplaces in the world. This is perfectly evaluated by the trading volume of the NFT marketplace. The platform enables the users to mint, purchase, and sell an expansive range of NFTs. These digital tokens include digital collectibles, digital art, trading cards, virtual worlds, and much more. This marketplace is built on the Ethereum blockchain and now, it is collaborating with the Polygon network to minimize the gas fees. With the help of OpenSea, users can have access to more than 700 NFT projects with an astonishing number of 80 million NFTs being ready to be traded. The OpenSea platform enables the users to mint and fixes their seller’s profiles using a unique infrastructure. This way, the transaction fee is only 2.5% for every sale that is done in the marketplace. At the present time, the OpenSea platform is filled with more than 600,000 users in just 2022. Thus, making it one of the top NFT marketplaces in the business.

2. SuperRare

SuperRare is an NFT marketplace that is based on the Ethereum blockchain. This is an exclusive NFT marketplace that deals only with a selected number of NFT artists. This marketplace is the pioneer of the exclusive NFT artworks with the motive to preserve them in the name of art collection culture. The SuperRare platform is one of the best NFT marketplaces in the digital space. This marketplace platform has a very particular vetting and approval mechanism before the digital art could be listed for sale. SuperRare is driven by creativity among the creators and it ensures that the collectors will get the best out of the NFT collection. This marketplace is not similar to OpenSea, since it is an exclusive platform, the transaction fee is around 15% on primary sales.

3. Rarible

Rarible is a community-based NFT marketplace that enables users to access a wide range of NFTs to buy and sell. The platform has an optimized user experience interface that enables users to mint and trade NFTs at ease. Rarible is a unique marketplace that supports three various blockchain networks; Ethereum, Flow, and Tezos. This multi-chain feature initiates the users to mint, buy and sell non-fungible tokens from any one of these effective blockchain platforms in the Rarible NFT marketplace.

4. Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is a popular blockchain-based game that also functions as an NFT marketplace. This is one of the best NFT marketplaces that work on NFT games. This marketplace is dedicated solely to being accessible to the in-game assets of the game. Hence, it allows the players to mint, sell, and buy Axies and other various in-game assets from the NFT game.

5. Nifty Gateway

Nifty Gateway is one of the best NFT marketplaces in the digital world. This NFT marketplace is managed by Gemini, a top-tier cryptocurrency exchange that is operated by the Winklevoss twins. This is an Ethereum-based marketplace that enables users to mint, sell, and buy NFTs that is exclusive under the category of artworks. Nifty Gateway is built with a stable policy system where creativity and authenticity are valued to the maximum. Thus, it is well-known for having one of the highest-rated verification process systems in the world.

6. Solanart

Solanart is one of the top NFT marketplaces that are introduced to the digital space recently. This NFT marketplace is developed on the Solana blockchain. This platform allows users to mint, sell, and buy NFTs that are developed on the Solana blockchain. At the present time, the total trading volume is reaching an astonishing number of $500 million even though it is relatively fresh to the digital market.

7. Binance

This NFT marketplace is developed on the Binance Smart Chain network. This NFT marketplace enables users to sell and buy all types of NFT artworks and collectibles. The platform’s strength is the ability to bring in a wide range of users because it was created by a top-tier cryptocurrency exchange platform called Binance. Hence, artists, creators, crypto lovers, and avid art collectors enter the platform to trade and create NFTs.

8. NBA Top Shot

NBA Top Shot is a Flow network-based NFT marketplace that enables basketball enthusiasts to trade, buy, and sell NBA-related NFTs. This is an exclusive NFT marketplace that is dedicated solely to the National Basketball Association league. Hence, it is a dreamland for NBA lovers to gain an exceptional level of profits.

9. Decentraland

Decentraland is an NFT marketplace and a virtual-world play-to-earn game as well. This NFT marketplace is developed on the Ethereum blockchain. This enables the NFT creators and collectors to have complete control over their works. In Decentraland, the users will gain complete access to the digital assets of the virtual-reality world of the game. And MANA is the native token that is used for trading assets on the platform.

10. Stashh

Stashh is one of the top-rated NFT marketplaces that is popular for its issuance of privacy to users. Stashh enables NFT creators to liquidate their content and protect their IP while initiating trading with the collectors. Thus, it provides complete control to the users on how the trading process should take place.

Best NFT Marketplaces
NFT Marketplaces Make Money

NFT marketplaces are the backbone of trading non-fungible tokens. The NFT marketplace makes money for itself by imposing transaction fees on the users. Each and every NFT marketplace has a unique set of rules and regulations for transaction fees. Hence, by analyzing the user volume for the platform, the transaction fee varies. The transaction fee is the primary monetizing method for NFT marketplaces.

Top 10 NFT Marketplaces
NFT Marketplace Business Worth

Non-fungible tokens are the trending technology at the present time. It has been used by a wide range of business platforms and making this technology is a common sight in the digital space. Conducting business in the present trending entity is always a strategic move to gain immediate success and profits. Hence, doing business in the NFT field is very effective. Therefore, it would be highly beneficial for business platforms if they start to develop their own NFT marketplaces by hiring an NFT development company. Thus, NFT marketplaces would be worth it for business platforms in the future and at the present time as well.

NFT Marketplace Development
Develop An NFT Marketplace

NFT Marketplace development company is the solution for business platforms that want to create one of the top NFT marketplaces in the digital market. A NFT development company provides a complete layout of the creation of the NFT marketplace. It consists of brainstorming, creation of whitepaper, integration of blockchain and smart contracts, frontend & backend development, and test runs. With the help of an NFT marketplace developer, an immense level of customizable features can be added as well. Hence, making it a solid NFT marketplace for business platforms.

The cost of developing one of the best NFT marketplaces in the digital space is completely dependent on the NFT marketplace developer. The cost is influenced by a wide range of factors like features and the selection of NFT developers. If the business platform hires a top-tier NFT marketplace development company, the cost would be higher and if an average developer is hired, the cost would be fewer. Hence, the complete cost of the platform depends on the developer.


NFT marketplaces are reaching great heights all over the world.

NFT Marketplaces in India

In India, the concept of NFTs is taking off at a rapid rate. A wide range of rules and regulations has been imposed in order to promote NFTs in India at the present time. Thus, it is completely alright to say that India is on the right track with USA and UK.

NFT Marketplaces in the USA

The USA is well-known for its advancement in technologies and blockchain and NFTs, they are the pinnacle of decentralization success.

NFT Marketplaces in the UK

The people in the UK are well aware of the NFTs and their large market scale. Hence, it is now known that NFTs and NFT marketplaces are here to stay and the rise has only begun now!
