Both parties made allegations that are difficult to prove.
The domain name has become more valuable in the past year with the rise of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, a type of blockchain-based organization. So it was interesting to see a UDRP cybersquatting claim against the domain name.
It’s a confusing and complex case, too. Daodao Holding LLC and Daodao Group Company Limited filed the complaint against Nie Zhenxiang.
The parties made several claims that the other parties say are false. There are allegations of domain theft and faked documents. And the main Complainant was just organized as a company last year.
In the end, panelist Fernando Triana found that the Complainant failed to show rights in a trademark that the domain infringes on and that it failed to show the domain owner lacked rights or legitimate interests. He denied the transfer request.
I doubt Triana was going to get to the bottom of all of the allegations in a simple UDRP case. This type of dispute would need to be settled in a competent court.