James Murray Art Director at Amazon, tweeted that he secured his first name, last name dot com. JamesMurray.com is now under his ownership.
James did a good job too in negotiations getting BuyDomains.com to reduce the cost down from $1,788 USD to $600 USD – WOW! Good work from James and shows that BuyDomains.com are motivated sellers to ensure inventory turns in their 800,000+ Domain Name Portfolio.
James also mentions in the comments that he had been trying to get the domain name for over a decade but previously was unwilling to pay the $4k asking price, instead James choose to settle on JsnMrry.com where has his personal website for showcasing work as a senior art director.
Also in the course of the messages James was introduced into the world of Domaining and Bob Hawkes shared Namepros.com as a fantastic forum for someone to learn more about the domain name industry.
Congratulations to James on securing that matching dot com domain name.