Judge Awards $13M In Moving Co. TM, Cybersquatting Fight
By Britain Eakin (December 22, 2021, 8:46 PM EST) — A Florida federal judge has awarded NorthStar Moving $13 million after finding that an operator of King David Van Lines willfully infringed NorthStar’s trademark by deceiving consumers into believing they were hiring NorthStar.
In an opinion handed down following a two-day bench trial earlier this month, U.S. District Judge William P. Dimitrouleas said Ohad Guzi was liable for trademark infringement and unfair competition and had violated the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protect Act. The judge also granted a permanent injunction barring Guzi from further cybersquatting, trademark infringement or unfair competition, and tacked on another $100,000 — the maximum allowed — for the cybersquatting violation….
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