Here’s what keywords people are searching for in the domain aftermarket – Domain Name Wire

NFT and meta aren’t surprises, but some of the other words are.

Graphic with the words Domain Search above a search box

Tracking the keywords people use to search for aftermarket domain names is a great way to keep a pulse on hot keywords. After all, lists of sold domains only include a small subset of what people search for.

Sedo published its list of the ten most searched domains on its platform last month:

1. NFT
2. Meta
3. Cannabis
4. Crypto
5. Automotive
6. Poker
7. CBD
8. Code
9. Chat
10. Bell

While the top two probably don’t come as much of a surprise, it’s interesting to see the strong interest in cannabis and CBD. Neither of these words has shown up in Sedo’s top ten this year until last month.

It’s the second month in a row that NFT has led Sedo’s search list.

You can see the monthly search lists here.
