A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S also known simply as Maersk, is a Danish shipping company, active in ocean and inland freight transportation and associated services, such as supply chain management and port operation. Maersk has been the largest container shipping line and vessel operator in the world since 1996. The company is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, with subsidiaries and offices across 130 countries and around 83,000 employees worldwide in 2020.
It is a publicly-traded family business, as the company is controlled by the namesake Møller family through holding companies. In September 2016, Maersk Group announced that it was splitting into two separate divisions: Transport & Logistics, and Energy. The company’s 2018 annual revenue was US$39 billion (2019). In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Møller-Maersk was ranked as the 622nd -largest public company in the world.
How do we find out which domain names are owned by Maersk well we use a feature called Reverse Whois Search with our partners WhoisXMLApi.com , they scan for the chosen term in this instance was domain names related to the registrant email address that Maersk uses for domain registrations which are “domains@maersk.com” and we get the results of over 1,523 domain names that Maersk has registered in their names.
Top 5 Domain Names Owned by Maersk
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